Monday, July 5, 2010

Module 2: Activity 8

It appears to me that the "green lifestyle" is nothing more than a "notion" obtained while sitting on green grass, ingesting other green grass under green trees while also drinking copious amounts of alcoholic liquid from green bottles which will probably make you feel green the next day.

The 'gif 256 colours' (670 kb) file looked like the contrast button had been turned up to 100% - and very grainy - so dismissed immediately even though the file size was similar to the 'jpg'.

I didn't see much difference between the 'jpg 50 quality' (617 kb) and the 'png 24' (2.84 mb) images only the size of the file, therefore I have chosen the 'jpg 50 quality' file to upload so that the web site would open quickly.

Had to resubmit this one to change the text on green mans head. Chris suggested it needed to be curved around - I agree and had thought about it but hadn't yet worked out how to do that in my new version of photoshop -now I have read the photoshop support tutorial I know how.
