Monday, September 20, 2010

Module 5 OH&S Learning activity 1

Possible Perils working on the computer

Module 5 OH&S Learning activity 1

Problem with lower back pain and injury if:
wrong type of chair
no mechanism for lowering and raising chair to the right height
feet not flat on floor
back not in straight upright position,
sitting on the edge of the chair,
sitting cross legged
no removable and adjustable armrests
no contoured seat with rounded edges to distribute your weight
no breathable fabric on chair
do not do regular stretching exercises for body

Problem with neck pain and injury if:
use of wrong type of prescription glasses (like bifocals),
no document holder to restrict neck movement.
Screen’s height not adjusted parallel to eyesight

Problem with pain and injury to wrists & fingers if:
Striking the keys too hard.
grip the mouse to tightly
mouse is not close enough to the body.
mouse not placed right in front of the shoulder,
no wrist support for using mouse
elbow and wrist not parallel to keyboard
keyboard at wrong angle
keyboard too far away
do not do regular wrist exercise

Problem with strain or damaged eyes if:
too much glare from monitor from prolonged use
unnecessary glare from not adjusting brightness and contrast of monitor
sun glare on the monitor from windows,
wrongly placed internal lighting reflections and glare
no tinting coat on prescription glasses.
computer screen is not between 18 and 24 inches away from face
not blinking eyes enough to keep moist
do not have regular eye testing

More problems if:
room temperature is too hot or too cold
drink too much tea or coffee
do not drink enough water
stationery, cd's, files and other equipment not in easy reach distance
do not take regular hourly breaks to exercise
do not eat enough food for energy
do not restrict hours of work per day
continue working when stressed (physically or mentally)
do not do alternate work tasks regularly away from computer station
do not have sufficient leg room under desk
do not have rounded corners and edges of desk
do not keep the air around you clean
do not adjust the refresh rate of your monitor to stop it flickering
do not keep your monitor the screen clean
do not keeping the screen and document holder at the same distance from your eyes
do not service, repair or replace monitors that flicker or have inadequate clarity

Added safety measured to be taken:
keep spillable drinks away from equipment to avoid electrical short circuits and fires
secure lockable and unlockable doors and windows of room and building
fire extinguishers for paper flames and also electrical fires
easily reached exit in case of fire
alternate exit in other direction
don't over load power points with lots of power boards
keep all equipment connections in an orderly secure manner that is easily identified
use adapters to save equipment from power surges
install automatic circuit breaker on main power board to prevent equipment damage, electrocution and fires
regularly service and update all electrical equipment to prevent exposure to unsafe emissions

Must also maintain:
strict time management
well structured work routine
other curricula activities not related to computer

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