Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Module 5 assesment activity 2 - OH&S

Occupational Health and Safety Presentation
Well I didn't stick exactly to the brief for this one because I could not fit in all sections of the 4 elements we had to address and include all 12 points of the assesment criteria in under 500 words and 20 slides??
Also it was not stated in the brief if this slide show would be presented by a speaker who would be elorating on slide text or if the slides had to tell it all alone?
So while Chris was holidaying I had to make an executive decision on my own.
I assumed - no speaker - the whole story had to be told by the slide show.

PROBLEM: when I upload this powerpoint presentation into slideshare I lost all my animations - totally? Still trying to work out why and how to fix it??
However, during my research I discovered an OH&S presentation on slideshare which was very nearly perfect for this activity because: great colour scheme - excellent timing of slide movement - great text placement for readability and graphic elements - and most importantly, concise easily understood content - check it out:


  1. Is this OH&S for 'nightmare on elm street'?

    Love it...

  2. Hi Mary,

    Good point about the shortcoming in the assessment brief; I'll amend it asap to imply the slideshow needs to function without a presenter.

