The first 2: ArtGrid1LINES.jpg and ArtGrid2LINES.jpg both demonstrate very clear but simple grids in their placement of text and slightly offset images which is a common style with most art journals.
HarveyNormanLINES.jpg adheres to a very obvious but strict and more complicated grid pattern as do most catalogues with a lot of product to display.
Woolworths do get a bit more creative often using a lot of white space however they still adhere to a grid in the placement of the text and images.
We all know there is no such thing as a layout that does not contain a grid of some kind. We are creatures that have a mind that processes everything to make meaning, and we can always find points of reference that make a grid in the most primitive layout.
The MinimalAbstractLINES.jpg image shows a more complicated grid. I have indicated with circles the similar line spacing grid at the junction of image placements. The red X's indicate the line similar line spacing of a larger grid that contains the whole page.
I like the AbstractLINES.jpg image the best as at first glance it appears to have only one grid line in the placement of text to the left. However when you begin drawing lines using the corners of the images a grid begins to appear that also encompasses the text. I could have drawn more lines using the colour contained within each image but I hope I have demonstrated that I understand the concept of grids and layouts enough because I need to get on with the next activity.
These are all good exercises for me to familiarize myself with all the new tools in my recently updated version of Photoshop - but it is taking more time than I thought?
ArtGrid1LINES.jpg, 2008, Frieze Magazine, Issue 112, pp. 196-7.
ArtGrid2LINES.jpg, Autumn 2008, art&australia Journal, vol.45, no.3, pp. 466-7.
HarveyNormanLINES.jpg, 2010, Half Yearly Flooring Clearance, Cambridge Park Publishing, Cambridge, Tasmania, pp. 6-7 .
WoolworthsLINES.jpg, 2010, WC070610/Tas, p.9.
MinimalAbstractLINES.jpg, Autumn 2008, art&australia Journal, vol.45, no.3, p 388.
AbstractLINES.jpg, Autumn 2008, art&australia Journal, vol.45, no.3, p 338.
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